Evaluation (Criteria 7)

A positive of this music product is that all of the songs are at the same volume level. They have been mastered so there is no background noise or unwanted noise being heard in the mix. They play on a car CD player and on a computer on iTunes. The music product includes two different genres of acoustic tracks, one genre being a piano with vocalists and the other genre being guitar with a vocalist.

I think when we recorded the band as a group, we worked well with the band and we worked well with each other bouncing ideas and suggestions of what microphones to use and what techniques to use. As we recorded all of the tracks in college we didn’t have to pay for the recordings and we didn’t have to pay anything extra in travel due to the fact that we were already coming into college.

The negative is that there were only two genres and in an ideal situation there would be at least another genre on the CD. Another negative is that on the track ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ there was a minor mess up on the piano chords that impacted the track momentarily. I think I should have fixed this better in the mix or maybe spent time re-recording the piano and making sure that the piano was perfect in the mix.

When I was recording the acoustic guitar, if I had recorded it with a DI box then I could have re-amped it which is when you play the track out of the amp and recorded the amp. This would have helped to reduce the twangy sound of the guitar.

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